10 Things I Wish I Knew About Money in My 20s

10 Things I Wish I Knew About Money in My 20s

Whether you’re in your 50s or just starting high school, you probably already realize that money is a very important part of life.  If you manage your money right, then great – you’re probably on your way to hopefully an early retirement and a less stressful lifestyle...

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Broke: Why Professional Athletes Need Financial Education

In a recent Sports Illustrated article that sparked widespread conversation on blogs and Twitter it stated, "by the time they have been retired for two years, 78 percent of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress; within five years of retirement, an estimated 60 percent of former NBA players are broke." For many, the stats were alarming and unfathomable...
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Shopping Sites Every Budgetista Should Know

When it comes to shopping for clothes, shoes, accessories, and even makeup, I’ve learned that an online presence is the only REAL way to save $$. So whenever you go shopping, picture me as your naggy auntie Lisa reminding you to make use of the following online resources before pulling out your wallet...
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Are You Living Within Your Means?

“I can’t afford this but I really want it!” How many of us have this conversation with ourselves far too often? We live in a culture of hyper-spending and minimal saving. (And don’t forget about the Jones’ we try to keep up with) America has a negative savings rate, meaning we spend more money than we earn and use debt to fund our lifestyles. In essence, we live at the mercy of our credit cards...
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5 Ways to Fake It ‘Til You Make It


We often recite the phrase “fake it ‘til you make it” as a justification for our spending habits. Most people “fake it” in the wrong manner. Instead of adopting the good practices of wealthy individuals, we tend to mimic the consumption practices of the wealthy and incur debt in the process of trying to “look the part”. But here are five ways you can "act" wealthy and get on the path to financial freedom...
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