10 Ways to Turn Your 2012 Financial Resolutions Into Reality!

Happy New Year to our friends, old and new. We are excited for the wonderful adventures and opportunities that await you in 2012. We hope that you continue to read our blog and tell your friends! If you have any suggestions, please email us at info@dream-nyc.org. We want to hear from you.

There's no shortage of New Year's blog posts and articles on "how-to-get-your-money-right for 2012" that make the road to financial stability seem so easy. You don't believe that, right? (I didn't think so) We decided to create a unique financial resolutions guide that serves as a road map for getting your financial house in order. We don't promise magic, but we promise that if you commit to making healthy financial decisions you will achieve your desired outcome. Our recommendations are specifically geared towards young adults, but are useful for persons of all ages.

Getting your finances in order is usually one resolution we all share (and some of us never follow up on). Although the task may seem daunting and we all hate that evil "b" word (budgeting), we have provided 10 easy steps to get you on the right path and stay on the right path. Without further adieu, here it is! Enjoy.


About the Author:  Femi Faoye is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of D.R.E.A.M. He’s a staunch and passionate financial literacy education advocate. 


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