Broke: Why Professional Athletes Need Financial Education

In a recent Sports Illustrated article that sparked widespread conversation on blogs and Twitter it stated, "by the time they have been retired for two years, 78 percent of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress; within five years of retirement, an estimated 60 percent of former NBA players are broke." For many, the stats were alarming and unfathomable...
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Scholar Talk: Adrian Andino

Welcome to part 2 of our "$cholar Talk" series. This series will feature posts written by actual D.R.E.A.M. Scholars! It provides an opportunity for our students to share their experiences in our "Invest-in-Success" program with you, discuss financial topics relevant to teenagers, and provides you a chance to connect with them.
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Shopping Sites Every Budgetista Should Know

When it comes to shopping for clothes, shoes, accessories, and even makeup, I’ve learned that an online presence is the only REAL way to save $$. So whenever you go shopping, picture me as your naggy auntie Lisa reminding you to make use of the following online resources before pulling out your wallet...
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5 Financial Tips for New Graduates

On behalf of the entire D.R.E.A.M. organization, I would like to congratulate the Class of 2012 on your recent accomplishment! All of your hard work and studying has paid off. And as you enter a new chapter in your life there is no better time to implement sound financial practices for your bright future! Taking control of your finances is no easy task. Here are 5 basic tips as you embark on this journey of financial independence...
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