529 Savings Plans: 101

Given the shift in the economics of higher education it’s time that we change the conversation on paying for school. The conversation needs to shift to adequately saving for college expenses so that the next generation can afford the college of their dreams without breaking the bank. A 529 Savings Plan is qualified tuition plan that has appealing tax benefits for college savings...
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5 Financial Tips for New Graduates

On behalf of the entire D.R.E.A.M. organization, I would like to congratulate the Class of 2012 on your recent accomplishment! All of your hard work and studying has paid off. And as you enter a new chapter in your life there is no better time to implement sound financial practices for your bright future! Taking control of your finances is no easy task. Here are 5 basic tips as you embark on this journey of financial independence...
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Happy Holidays: A Time to Make a Social Investment

The holiday season is a time where I remember those less fortunate than myself, and do my best to donate my time or finances to those in need. (This should occur all year and not only during the holiday season) The holiday season can be used as a time for hyper-philanthropy instead of hyper-consumerism...
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