5 Ways to Increase Your Income to Cut Into Your Debts

Hi Dreamers,

It's with great excitement that we present our newest guest blogger, Liz Nelson from WhiteFence.com! We have no doubt that you will find her post both informative and entertaining. Enjoy!

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While we may not try to do it most of the time, it is easy to get caught up in situations in order to live well beyond our means. Thanks to credit and monthly payment locations, it is far easier to put yourself in debt than it used to be. While some of the aspects of life can be simply shut off or sent back to the furniture store, other needs are not so easy to remove from day-to-day living. For some, a rent-to-own store may be the only viable option to replace a broken refrigerator as they don't have the money for immediate repairs or replacement. When your debts begin to surpass your income after you've eliminated the obvious threats, then it's time to look at increasing your income.

1. eBay.com - Regardless of what many may think of eBay, millions of people have made money from using this auction website. In fact, some sellers have become so successful that they turned their little revenue stream into full-fledged businesses that have approached several millions of dollars’ worth of sales per year. This doesn't mean you'll be able to immediately progress in this fashion, but your efforts will be displayed in your net income.

2. Online Freelancing - Many individuals will flock to the Internet on a daily basis in order to work as freelance professionals. Various companies and individuals will hire off-site freelancers in order to perform a variety of tasks from graphic design to ghost writing novels. Marketing your own skills is quite easy and sites like oDesk.com are designed specifically to connect you with potential clients to make a bit of extra income.

3. Second Job - One of the most obvious ways to increase your income is by getting a second job. However, this may be increasingly difficult if your primary source of income has you working at odd hours in comparison to other employers. Sometimes you can hire on with a company that is compassionate about your needs for an altered schedule, but they are somewhat few and far between. For those who have odd schedules, online freelancing may be a better solution.

4. Locale Contract Professional - As a predecessor to online freelancing, many have found that starting their own local business using their developed skills can be beneficial to those looking for such talents. This allows the school teacher by day to work as a graphic designer on the weekends to make a bit of extra income. Nearly everyone has a marketable skill and it only takes yourself to realize what your skill is.

5. Look for Another Job - Although you may love your career, the company you work for may simply not have the funds to pay you more. If your employer can't squeeze out another raise, maybe it's time to look elsewhere for continued growth. The longer you are at a location, the more marketable your skills become. Loyalty to your company should come second to loyalty to yourself.

In many of the above instances, people have made so much money that they quit their daily 9-to-5 jobs in order to invest more time into making additional streams of revenue. While these ideas may not be for everyone, they should be able to instill additional ideas for your own personal needs. For millions of people around this country, it is imperative to raise the level of income within the home. Find what works best for you and help increase your ability to survive in today's world.

About the Author

This is a guest post by Liz Nelson from WhiteFence.com. She is a freelance writer and blogger from Houston. Questions and comments can be sent to: liznelson17 @ gmail.com.



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